Case of the Month
(Note: Stock photo above, not a patient, of course) This month's most amazing story was a woman who came in recently with thirty-five...
Therapy vs. Medication for Depression, what do we learn from brain imaging?
Richard Friedman MD reviewed in the New York Times an article by Helen Mayberg, MD from JAMA Psychiatry . Dr. Mayberg started with the...
Personal TMS affirmation or "mantra"
I discuss in Think Away Your Pain how self-talk and positive affirmations or blocking messages are an important part of breaking old pain...
Pain and Fear
Okay, clearly a person in pain can't do the above. Or can they? Each person assesses the risk of an activity or movement in relation to...
TMS/Chronic Pain as an Attention SURPLUS Disorder
TMS, an Attention Surplus Disorder? ADD or attention deficit disorder is a medical term for individuals who have an inability to focus...
Mental Muscle Exercise and Neural Pathways
Here's an interesting piece someone sent me: ATHENS, Ohio, Dec. 24 (UPI) — New research suggests muscles respond to simple thoughts of...
Dangers of Massage... Silent Massage
What could be more relaxing than a massage? A lovely thirty or sixty minutes of having someone coax your muscles to relax and in so...
Accepting the diagnosis, dealing with doubt
I regularly deal with skepticism about the diagnosis of TMS. I deal with worry that something else is wrong. I deal with a reluctance...
Interview on Book Tour Radio website Are You in Pain? Meet Dr. David Schechter! by Editor on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 | No...
Every day powerful patient stories--for example, pelvic pain in men
Every day I see patients in the office who have pain. I also see patients with injuries to the shoulder, knee, wrist, broken ribs, etc. ...