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Are You in Pain? Meet Dr. David Schechter!

by Editor on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 | No Comments


Interview with Pain Reduction Specialist: Dr. David Schechter

Dr. Schechter is the Author of: Think Away Your Pain (Your Brain is the Solution To Your Pain)

Over the last twenty years in private practice, Dr. Schechter has conventionally treated many thousands of individuals for sports injuries, acute back pain, etc. But of interest to many, Dr. Schechter has treated over two thousand chronic pain patients with the TMS/MBS healing model. He has published several papers on his work, mostly while Principal Investigator for the Seligman Medical Institute which funded this work for four years.

Dr. Schechter is in private practice in Beverly Hills and Culver City, California seeing general patients, sports and other musculoskeletal injuries, back pain, etc. He is internally known for his work with chronic pain– pain that persists, is difficult to diagnose and has not been successfully treated by conventional and alternative approaches.

Dr. Schechter is able to explain the mechanism involved and tell you not only what to think about pain but challenge you to explore how to think about pain to get relief…

Andrew Weil, MD, Author of 8 Weeks to Optimum Health and Healthy Aging

*** Interview ***

Your book addresses a very common and challenging problem: pain. With so many traditional and alternative medicine treatment options available to pain sufferers, how are your methods different?

Most pain treatment methods are based upon the premise of a bio-mechanical reason for the pain. In Think Away Your Pain (Your Brain is the Solution to Your Pain), we explain a brain-based, mind-body, psychological and cognitive based treatment method.

Are these methods practical for most people and for most types of pain? Who is most likely to benefit and least likely?

If your problem is truly structural, the program is not for you. The program however is for the millions of people with prolonged, persistent, chronic pain that has been hard or Impossible to treat effectively in conventional and alternative medicine. The pain persists, it’s hard to pinpoint ,the treatments don’t work, or are temporary and…. The stress is building up and makes the pain worse.

How difficult is it for someone to master your methods so that pain relief is achieved?

Like anything worthwhile, it takes some time and effort. But the point is—it’s a treatment you learn and empowers you to heal. It can end the seemingly endless trips to practitioners to seek relief. Rather, it teaches you to change the neural pathways responsible for the persistent pain.

How long does it generally take for these methods to yield results?

Varies from person to person. Some relief—days to weeks. Much relief, more weeks. Complete relief, a few months, sometimes less, sometimes more.

What is your message for skeptics who see your suggestions as example of “guru science” that causes people to reject proven traditional medical treatments?

I provide lots of scientific evidence from brain research, psychology research, neuroscience, that supports this approach in various ways. The scientific evidence is very powerful that this is not ‘guru’ science, or trickery. It is actually a brain-based, scientifically supported, research proven method for effective treatment of chronic pain in the back, neck, arms, pelvis, etc.

Is this your first book?

No, The MindBody Workbook has been selling for fifteen years.

Tell us about your book? What inspired you to write it?

I wanted more people to learn about this treatment approach and method given the success I have had with over 2000 patients in my office. I wanted to update the work of prior authors in this field.

Is this book part of a series? Do you have related books?

Related items include the MindBody Workbook as well as educational CD’s and DVD”s entitled The MindBody Audio Program and the MindBody Patient Panel

What do you want our audience to know about you?

I learned this method when Dr. John Sarno treated me for pain while I was a medical student.

Who do you think will benefit most from this book? Who are you speaking to?

I’m speaking to the pain sufferer who is willing to look at his/her problem in a fresh way, be open to a new paradigm (approach) and is willing to think psychologically, not physically about the problem. (the brain, not the back, so to speak)

What do you hope readers will “take away” from reading your book?

That there is hope for people who haven’t been helped by other bio-medical approaches to pain. That the mind plays a huge role in health and disease AND that your mind can be the solution to your pain problem.



Dr. Schechter did his undergraduate work at Princeton and attended NYU Medical School (where he worked with John Sarno MD). He went west, as they say, to do his residency in Family Medicine at UCLA/Santa Monica Hospital. After residency he taught at the USC School of Medicine and obtained a CAQ in Sports Medicine and worked with athletic teams in the downtown area. Dr. Schechter moved toward private practice, reconnected with John Sarno, MD and his mind-body practice was rekindled.

He has also written The MindBody Workbook and created The MindBody AudioProgram and MindBody Patient Panel to educate patients about this condition. These materials are used as part of a home program by most of his TMS patients.

Dr. Schechter is on the medical staff at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and has lectured widely at conferences, etc. Dr. Schechter’s most recent book, Think Away Your Pain, was just published.

ORDER BOOK on Amazon

Dr. Schechter’s Website

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