The MindBody Healing Journey
So there are books (mine and others), workbooks (mine), videos (online), podcasts, blogs, wikis, etc. So why did I take a lot of time and a lot of effort (and considerable cash) and create an online course?
I think back twenty years ago and there was almost nothing for patients to read/learn about TMS. Yes, there were the four classic John Sarno books. Yes, I had written The MindBody Workbook in 1999. There was maybe one other book by a physician about his experience. My website. Not much else. Fast forward to 2021 and there is a lot, almost an overwhelming amount of material that patients can access on this subject. That is great and yet that is challenging.
What should a person study, what does a person need to do, what are the steps, how much time should you spend on this? These were the issues that prompted this course. My collaborator in this project Justin Barker, Psy.D. and I talked about this, thought about this, and came up with this course. The goal: an online program that would have what is needed, be informative, be a guide, be calming, and help patients on the healing journey.
Dr. Barker and I have led a Zoom group weekly this past year. We call it the TMS Healing Group. Lots of good stuff happens in the group. Patients discuss their TMS, their progress, their obstacles, their concerns and worries. A lot of support from one to another. Patients immediately feel comfortable and excited to be with others with a similar problem who can speak the PPD/TMS language. Dr. Barker and I guide discussion, comment, answer questions and give mini lessons. It has been a powerful year for the patients and for us. Whereas I used to see my patients at 4-6 week intervals, I had an opportunity to more closely monitor the week to week issues and struggles on the healing journey.
Hence the course title. Dr. Barker and I created the curriculum, prepared the material and spent basically two full days in a room with a videographer and camera shooting the 40 videos of this program. Over five hours of material and that doesn't include the PDF's which are downloadable that focus on the stages of healing, Developing your own healing plan, other resources, etc.
I look forward to some of you experiencing this program and feedback that can help us to make it even better. The format is user friendly and adding material is not that hard, so we expect to make modifications and improvements over time.
A doctor doing this work is very much a guide on a Healing Journey; I believe we did a good job of being that guide on this program. Let us know!